##################################################################### # NSBACKEND.EXE - GENERATED FILES & CONFIG.INI ##################################################################### # config.ini ##################################################################### username - FTP-username password - FTP-password server - FTP-server, ie. ftp.domain.com serverpath - Path to directory on server, ie. /path/to/data nscrop - Max strikes in NSDStrikes-files, suggested 2000 nslmap - Path to nslmap.php, ie. http://www.domain.com/nslmap.php measure - km or mi Persistence in minutes (ie. 60) stormfix - rotates storms with alignment from NexStorm. Use only if your storms are wrong aligned in NSD. # NSD.sqlite ##################################################################### - SQLite database - Searchable with ex free SQLite Administrator-software: http://sqliteadmin.orbmu2k.de/ - Note, NSBackend needs to be closed when database is opened # NSDReportXXYYYY.txt ##################################################################### - Monthly report with some stats - Updated daily # NSDRealtime.txt ##################################################################### 0 unixtimestamp 1 current rate/min 2 current close rate/min (< 50km) 3 last strike unixtimestamp 4 last strike direction (degrees, rotated with tracker alignment) 5 last strike distance (km) 6 last strike type (cc+,cc-,cg+,cg-) 7 strikes last hour 8 strikes today 9 strikes this month 10 strikes this year 11 max rate/min 12 max ratetime (hh:mm) 13 max burst/s 14 max bursttime (hh:mm) 15 CG+ strikes today 16 CG- strikes today 17 CC+ strikes today 18 CC- strikes today 19 NSBackend uptime (x days y hours z min) 20 Measure (set in config.ini) 21 Persistence in minutes # NSDStrikes.txt & NSDStrikes20sec.txt ##################################################################### - NSDStrikes.txt = last 60 min strikes - NSDStrikes20sec.txt = last 20 sec strikes 0 unixtimestamp 1 distance (km) 2 direction (degrees, rotated with tracker alignment) 3 striketype (cc+,cc-,cg+,cg-) # NSDStorms.txt & NSDOldStorms.txt ##################################################################### - NSDStorms.txt = active storms - NSDOldStorms.txt = inactive storms from last 24h - Partly compatible with NSLog NSStorms-files - EWN-compatible 0 id 1 - 2 detect unixtimestamp 3 detect direction (degrees, rotated with tracker alignment) 4 detect distance (km) 5 - 6 - 7 last activity unixtimestamp 8 current/last direction (degrees, rotated with tracker alignment) 9 current/last distance (km) 10 - 11 - 12 current/last rate/min 13 max rate/min 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 category (0-3, see NexStorm PDF for info) 19 - 20 trend (0-3, see NexStorm PDF for info) 21 total strikes 22 CG+ strikes 23 CG- strikes 24 CC+ strikes 25 CC- strikes # NSDGraph.txt ##################################################################### - 1 line per minute, last 24 h data 0 Unixtimestamp 1 Total strikes 2 CG+ strikes 3 CG- strikes 4 CC+ strikes 5 CC- strikes